Mix 5 tbsp of ground oats with 10 tbsp of almond meal, store in an air tight box.
In a bowl add 1 tbsp of the above mixture, 1tsp of honey, 1tsp of brown sugar and 1tbsp of hot water. Mix throughly and allow it to sit for 2 minutes. Later apply this mixture evenly on wet face and start scrubbing in circular motion.
Rinse after 5 minutes of massage. Pat dry and continue with the everyday face routine.
#Scrubs #Brown sugar #Oats #Facepacks #Masks #DIY #Almonds #Allskintypes
In a bowl add 1 tbsp of the above mixture, 1tsp of honey, 1tsp of brown sugar and 1tbsp of hot water. Mix throughly and allow it to sit for 2 minutes. Later apply this mixture evenly on wet face and start scrubbing in circular motion.
Rinse after 5 minutes of massage. Pat dry and continue with the everyday face routine.
#Scrubs #Brown sugar #Oats #Facepacks #Masks #DIY #Almonds #Allskintypes